🔨 Maintenance

Single source of truth

The source for all colours are stored in the Photoshop File colours.psd. This is the single source of truth and all assets origin from this file.


You can define a new colour family space based on the existing colour families.

Please note you’ve to follow these constraints:

  1. Open the colours.psd file in Adobe Photoshop in Lab Color mode

  2. Use the grey family as base and add a colour overlay with the layer mode «Color»

  3. Ensure that the colours match the WCAG guidelines for normal text (in black and white), e.g. via Color.review

Builder workflow

There’s a Python builder called cicd-builder which can be used to create most CI/CD assets. However, for the CLR file there’s a CLR converter called json2clr, which creates a CLR file from the JSON asset.

The workflow to build the assets looks like this:


actor user

file photoshop as "**Photoshop File**\ncolours.psd"
file png as "**Image**\ncolours.png"
file names as "**Names**\ncolours.txt"

component builder as "**Builder**\ncicd-builder"

package assets as "Assets" {
    artifact rest as "**reST file**\n\nSphinx colours\ndocumentation."
    artifact svg as "**SVG file**\n\nA vector image."
    artifact json as "**JSON file**\n\nAll colours in a\ncomputable format."
    artifact text as "**Text Files**\n\nRGB values in\ndec & hex."
    artifact ase as "**ASE file**\n\nAdobe's Swatch\nExchange file."
    artifact clr as "**CLR file**\n\nApple's Colour List\nfile."

component json2clr as "**CLR converter**\njson2clr"

user --> photoshop : opens the Photoshop file (SSOT)
photoshop --> png : exports the PNG file
png .> builder : fetches colours from PNG
names ..> builder : fetches names from text file

builder --> rest : builds reST
builder --> svg : builds SVG
builder --> json : builds JSON
builder --> text : builds TXT
builder --> ase : builds ASE
builder -> json2clr : triggers converter
json ..> json2clr : reads the JSON file
json2clr --> clr : builds CLR


Sphinx will then take the built assets of the cicd-builder, as well as the static reST files and creates the CI / CD documentation from it:


component builder as "**Builder**\ncicd-builder"
component sphinx as "**Sphinx**\n\nDocumentation builder."

package files as "Sphinx Files" {
    database assets as "**Assets**\n\nThe dynamic assets built by the cicd-builder.\n"
    database static as "**Static reST files**\n\nThe static reST Sphinx files.\n"

artifact documentation as "**CI/CD documentation**\n\nThe built and deployed CI/CD documentation."

builder --> assets : builds assets

static ..> sphinx : Sphinx reads\nstatic files
assets ..> sphinx : Sphinx reads\ndynamic files

sphinx --> documentation : Sphinx builds the documentation



Please note only the colours.psd & colours.png files are committed to the repository. The rest of the assets are automatically built by cicd-builder & json2clr via GitLab’s CI/CD pipeline.

Update colours

To update the colours, ensure you’ve read and understand the Single source of truth, Constraints & Builder workflow chapter. If you understand them, you can update the colours like this:

  1. Open the colours.psd in Photoshop and edit the colours

  2. Export the new colours.png from it

This should be enough to run the builder and deploy the new colours.


If you’ve new colours or want to change the name, also update the colours.txt file.

Build documentation

Setup environment

To setup the environment, run these commands:

make venv
source .venv/bin/activate
make develop

Run builder

To most straight-forward way to create the complete documentation with all assets is to run this command:

make build


The built documentation can be found in the build/docs/ directory.

If you want to improve the documentation without running the builder manually, you can also run the Sphinx autobuilder by executing this command:

make autodocs


This will only watch & rebuild the Sphinx documentation in the docs/ directory. If you update the colours.png or want to recreate the assets, run make assets explicitly.

Compile json2clr


Apple’s Color List file (aka .clr) is a binary file, containing colours which can be accessed throughout macOS.

Generating the CLR file with Python is a complicated task, since the file is properitary binary. However, in comparison with Python, generating the CLR file with an appropriate API such as in ObjectivC / Swift is a much easier task.

Thus we’ve decided to create a properitary converter from our JSON to the CLR file.

To compile the json2clr binary, you can use the Swift compiler:

cd confirm/ci/json2clr
swiftc json2clr.swift

Development guidelines

Please have a look at our Guidelines when contributing to this project.