.. _Mantra & Vision: 🎯 Mantra & Vision ================== The mantra ---------- Our mantra is: **Understanding. Simplicity. Joy.** .. note:: The mantra is based on traditions and it tells a story – our story of *why* we're doing, *what* we're doing. We believe everything starts with **understanding** the needs, on which we provide **simple** solutions to complex challenges – which brings back the **joy** into technology, thus back to people. This is what connects us, what keeps us happy, and what every decision is based on. It is our belief system – **our dogma**! The vision ---------- Our vision statement is: **We bring joy back into technology, by providing clean & simple digital foundations to complex challenges.** .. note:: The vision statement describes how we envision our company, our dreams & hopes. It describes *why* we do something and will influence all the decisions we make as a team.