.. _Typography: 🖋️ Typography ============= Fonts ----- We use the following fonts on different media (e.g. websites, e-mail, business cards, handouts): - `Poppins `_: The **standard font** for all media and printed matter - `Roboto Mono `_: The **monospace font** for code fragments .. raw:: html
Poppins Thin
Poppins ExtraLight
Poppins Regular
Poppins SemiBold
Poppins Bold
Roboto Mono Thin
Roboto Mono Light
Roboto Mono Medium
.. hint:: Our logo is an exception that contains the font `Lucida Grande`. Font sizes and spacing ---------------------- We design everything on a scale of 2 (see «Layout & Grid» section). This creates a balanced rhythm across all design elements. Also, this rule applies to the typographic scale, too. Use the factor **1.5** for the **line spacing** resp. line-height. For the paragraph spacing use 1x or x times the line spacing of the body copy. The following table refers to the «Poppins» font: +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | | PRINT (pt) | WEB (px) | SLIDES | +=================+===================+=====================+==================+ | Section Title | SemiBold, 48/60 | SemiBold, 56/60 | 128/128 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Subline | Thin, 16/24 | ExtraLight, 16/24 | Regular, 32/48 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Main Title / H1 | Light, 24/30 | Bold, 28/36 | SemiBold, 80/120 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | H2 | SemiBold, 18/24 | Bold, 24/32 | – | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | H3 | SemiBold, 12/18 | SemiBold, 20/24 | – | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | H4 | SemiBold, 10.5/16 | Bold, 16/20 | – | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | H5 | SemiBold, 8.5/12 | – | – | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Leadtext | Regular, 12/18 | Regular, 20/24 (25) | Regular, 64/80 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Bodycopy | Regular, 8.5/12 | Regular, 16/20 | Regular, 40/60 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Marginalia | Light, 6/12 | ExtraLight, 14/18 | Light, 20/32 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------------+ .. hint:: | **Section Title** | *Use to divide sections like chapters. Optionally can be used as a standout title for documents (except letters).* | **Subline** | *Subline of the main title. As a completion or informative addon to the main title.* | **Main Title** | *The title of the document. Usually only one of this type should exist.* | **Leadtext** | *A whort summary of the following content to draw the users into the text.* | **Bodycopy** | *The main text. This is the style where the content is written in.* | **Marginalia** | *Small notes or additions like footnotes. They have a lower visual priority.* Line lengths ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider the line lengths to ensure that texts remain legible. A proper line length depends on the medium, the number of columns, and the language. Thus, too general rules of thumb don't make sense. We have to decide on a case-by-case basis. To help you decide, here are some rough clues: - Printed matters: 50 - 70 characters (depending if it's one or two columns) - Web: ~ 35em Websites ~~~~~~~~ The standard font-size on **websites is 16px**. This results in a **baseline grid of 20px**. Base all other texts and headlines on the baseline grid. For websites, use the following font stack: :: font-stack: 'Poppins', Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Trebuchet MS', 'Arial', sans-serif Print matters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set the body text with **9pt**, line spacing with **16pt** and the font style «**Regular**» for printed matters and documents ins standard sizes such as A4. | **Vertical Rhythm** | Texts in several columns should be on the same baseline. For other font sizes (e.g. headings), select the line spacing as a multiple of 16pt. If a correction space is necessary, you must set it at the beginning of the paragraph. This is necessary for programs that do not have a function to align text to the baseline grid. | **Side Notes** | Brief information and marginal notes can also be in 6pt and the «Light» style. E-mail ~~~~~~ For e-mails, we use Helvetica Neue or Arial with a size of 12px by default. Keynotes and presentations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ «Poppins» is also used for presentations. The basic font sizes are under «Slides» in the section `Font sizes and spacing`_. Font colours ------------ These are our primary font colours: .. raw:: html
Grey 30 Primary colour on bright backgrounds.
Grey 100 Primary colour on dark backgrounds.